Trades Cup 2014

Skiff Watch (SW) very much enjoyed watching the fourth NBRC Trades Cup last Thursday (29th May). 7 teams of novice rowers representing various organisations from in and around North Berwick competed in a series of heats and finals over an out and back course of about 4 minutes. The 7 teams were…

  • Foxlake Adventures
  • The Space Skatepark
  • Knowes Farm Shop
  • RNLI
  • Humble Pie Cookschool
  • North Berwick Rugby Club
  • Big Boat Sailors 

NBRC provided three skiffs and an experienced cox to train the novice crews, although SW notes that not all crews took advantage of the training available, and perhaps some wish they had done a little more before hitting the start line. 

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The racing was fast and furious although equipment failures meant that the finals were a series of head-to-head races in the two remaining boats. 

A pod of dolphins joined in the fun, although to the detriment of Humble Pie who, mid-race, veered off-course to go dolphin watching to the benefit of their opposition.  

Foxlake Adventures rowed with discipline, style and speed to win the event with the fastest time of the night. 

SW observes that the incumbent convenor of NBRC has a 100% record of coxing Trades Cup teams, having won three of the four Trades Cups(and not competed in the other one). 2015 crews should bear this in mind when selecting their cox. 

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