Dunbar Regatta 2015

Well the day dawned very overcast and dreich. The thought of putting on layers and layers in mid June was not high on my agenda after the summer weather of last week. But trying to keep positive it was Sunny Dunny we were heading to. We had our coxes briefing crowded into the cadet hut, with all the fabby cakes on display, whilst Skiff John B was launched in the harbour and rowed over to the pontoon. We pitched our flag and set up camp with a fantastic view of the race course and out of the wind. Coffee and cake on board we all waited for our turns on the water.

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The men’s and women’s open were first up, and with quite a swell was pretty challenging at times. NBRC managed to win both. Then our fantastic newbies, you all deserve a huge pat on the back, a hard race to the first turning buoy, where there was quite a bit of barging about and possibly some strong language too. And gals you did amazing in the straight to the second turn, passing one boat after another. To be pipped at the finish line for third place by one second. So huge well done, and a great welcome into the skiffies world. We didn’t have a full 60+ team so Sandy managed to jump in with Porty, he must have finished because he was back on shore, but no idea what place. Rob coxed our 35+ ladies, his first time coxing races, fantastic job and steered them home to a win. Out 35+ men were caught in a tussle with Dunbar, and squeezed home ahead of them for 3rd place. Our 35+ mixed team was truly awesome posting fastest time of the day (Ed’s contribution :-))

By this time the swell had gone down a bit and the sun had also made an appearance, the pooh buoy being the final race of the day, our mixed crew of Lizzie, Louise, Medium and Rob rowed with style and power to take that race.

Fantastic day all in all. Not sure how many times I ran up and down the hill to harbour, think I saw most teams in, any excuse for cuddles. Great craic, cakes, racing and wow what super trophies, and thanks weather too.

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