North Berwick Regatta August 2015

We do like it rough at NB ! The sun shone and the wind certainly blew.

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White horses and big side waves to the Craig, a nice bit of clapotis then settle in for a breather in the good water round the back…and steel your selves for the wall of wind and final sprint for home.

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More than one club commented that this is what coastal rowing is all about and our experience of these conditions certainly paid off.
Some great wins for us in the Mens 40 plus, Mixed 60s, ladies 50s , Mixed open, a 1 and 2 in the Mixed Over 45s and end epic battle in the Mens Open coming from behind to take a last gasp win beating Coigach by a second.

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Thanks to all the clubs for making a fantastic day and and to everyone here who put massive time and effort making it a success.

Full Results Here

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