Cockenzie Chimneys

On a very calm and surreal morning we headed to watch Cockenzie Power Station twin chimneys be blown to the ground. The weather was so still, with a but of warmth to. Sea was almost glass like. Our two boats mustered with all three Boatie boats, plus  Anster and Dunbar. The Port Seton harbour was a mass of activity. Boats were launched into the bay and we all rowed together upwind. The sight must have been amazing from the air, so many drone I’m sure we’ll get to see, every type of water craft out in front to watch the sombre end of two iconic landmarks. On the stroke of noon a large bang reverberated through our bodies and they fell into each other with amazing cheers whistles and emotion all around. Another bang sounded sharply after as the engine room at the front went up. We hung around for quite a while after, meeting briefly with Musselburgh and waving to Porty too. What a dust went down towards Port Seton. We plodded slowly back in to harbour, after raising a glass (polystyrene cup) of fizz to our nearly Mrs Robertson, what a way to spend your last weekend of freedom. Thanks especially to our towers Hugh and Craig, couldn’t do it without you. 

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Next stop the Tweed

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