Fidra Picnic Row September 2023
Skiff John B, Blackadder and skur Euphame had a grand morning out to Fidra island on Sunday 24th September. Their excited contents, in the form of 14 NBRC rowers, met at 8.45am to prepare for the outing. …
Skiff John B, Blackadder and skur Euphame had a grand morning out to Fidra island on Sunday 24th September. Their excited contents, in the form of 14 NBRC rowers, met at 8.45am to prepare for the outing. …
On Saturday 16th September 5 NBRC members, along with 11 other boats, participated in the annual Tweed/Paxton House Picnic row. It was a wet Friday evening packing up with Tracy, Sandy, and myself, we were all hoping for drier row as we headed down to Spittal to meet the other boats. Saturday dawned pretty damp and …
After all the hard work of Saturday, and the get together at the rugby club the hardy ones launched again in a balmy heat and perfect bass conditions. Two North Berwick boats had crews which were made up of club members plus a couple of bodies from other clubs. They were joined by two Port …
Read more “The day after – Sunday’s muster following our regatta”
On Saturday 26th August, we held our 13th annual regatta which saw 19 clubs from across Scotland participate, the largest number of clubs to enter our regatta to date! County clubs Dunbar, Boatie Blest from Port Seton and Musselburgh’s Eskmuthe, as well as Edinburgh clubs Eastern, Row Porty and, Newhaven took part in the day’s …