Newhaven June 2016

Just like last year,  hardy souls from 9 Rowing clubs made the pilgrimage to Newhaven for the annual row/run/sail in the name of racing, powered by legs/wind/arms, and any other motive forces you may care to mention.

Newhaven were fantastic in their organisation of the event. All participants were made to feel very welcome; drinks and other refreshments (real ale) were available all day, and were greatly appreciated by all.

Although the day started off fairly cloudy, the yellow star did break through, and we ended up slapping on the factor 30 to keep the sun at bay!

However, this was no ‘picnic row’, but was as competitive a race as you can get (white knuckles and red mist were in plentiful supply). Claire Bear did us proud with her run x 2,  and also did her best to keep her sailing skipper on track. 

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After Claire’s first run, NB (Phil, Finlay, Elisa, Sheena; cox Jeannie) gained one place with the first 2km row. 

Claire held her position for the second run, and NB were looking good. There was a wee glitch with the second sailing race, when we slipped down the field. 

Quite a bit. Actually, the sailing dropped us down to 8th. Never mind; this was a challenge that out rowers could relish.

A sterling effort for the second 2km row (Jeannie, Sandy, Finlay, Elisa; cox Phil)  took us from 8th to 4th place. It was gratifying to pass 4 other skiffs, but we just did not have enough time to make much on Port Seton who started well ahead of us along with Anstruther, the eventual winners. (Starting order for the second row was dictated by the finishing order of the preceding sailing race-out of our hands)

Mention must be made of Sandy who flew the NBRC flag proudly by selling at least 12 books of raffle tickets for the Skiffie Worlds.

A great way to spend a day in fine company; oh, and there were small waves, no haar, and little wind!

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