Build Progress Wk5

Job Number NB001:  Planking is complete up to plank 4 on each side. This only leaves plank 5 and 6 on each side still to be installed.   Job Number NB002:  All parts have now been cut from the sheets and the dressing of planks and frame parts is on-going.  [flickr photo=14305270465 size=medium]

About Us……..

We are a rowing club involved in recreational and competitive rowing and are a member of the Scottish Coastal Rowing Association  which has grown rapidly since 2009 with many clubs around Scotland and across the World. Most of our rowing is done in the St Ayles Skiff which is a seaworthy,  clinker built, fixed seat …

Build Progress Wk4

The planking has commenced but there has been difficulty in installation of plank 2 as it did not want to sit on the moulds at the correct points. All the other builds are experiencing the same problem with even greater difficulty. We have now succeeded in installing it but a little “fairing” work will be …