Floating Around Fidra

Now that the weather is beginning to improve, here’s a couple of photos from a recent club expedition around Fidra. If this doesn’t lure you back to the water, nothing will. But remember, you can only take part in these fun-filled excursions if you’ve paid your club subs for this year! [flickr photo=33838165968 size=medium]

Contact Us!

For all enquiries, please click here. We look forward to hearing from you!  If you have any concerns about children or vulnerable adults in relation to North Berwick Rowing Club, please contact our Appointed Lead Person. You may also wish to refer to our Protection of Vulnerable Groups Policy. 

Rowing Amongst the Rigs

The Black Isle/Avoch/Cromarty RegattaWith so many names and no postcode provided for the location, arriving at the right place, at the right time, for this regatta, was a wee bit challenging for some. Despite this, 17 rowers, three partners and five children successfully made their way North. Most stayed at the temporary camp site overlooking …

Paddling at Porty

Glorious sunshine welcomed us to Porty regatta, a really stunning setting with beach views extending far and wide, as well as the familiar and much loved silhouette of The Law in the distance. The Mixed Novice kicked off the competition winning Gold, which seemed to set the tone for the day! We took home a …

Go West Young Rower!

The NB wagon train headed west this weekend to Stranraer to take part in the home clubs regatta and provide the opportunity to test out next years World Championship course.  Wagons (or rather tents and mobile homes) were circled on the Friday night at the local reservation and Big John told tall tales round the …

Way out West

The temperature on leaving North Berwick was a balmy 13.5 degrees Celsius, however this was not mirrored over in the West, where, for the first several hours, warm clothing was not only desirable, but essential.  The welcome team NB received however was warm and welcoming, as we have come to expect from our friends in the …