Queensferry Crossing

On Monday, September 4, two crews from the club rowed in formation with fifteen other St Ayles Skiffs, to celebrate the opening of The Queensferry Crossing by HRH Queen Elizabeth. The drizzle did not dampen the enthusiasm of all that took part in this memorable event joining fellow skiffies from all over Scotland.  Queensferry Rowing …

Largs Regatta 2017

On a sunny autumn morning the intrepid “North Berwick Ten” made their way westwards in good heart for the Largs Regatta. Crews from around Scotland were joined by an Irish crew from Killyleagh and the crazy Dutch of Woudrichhem who had bought two racing Skiffs with them bringing a total of 14 Skiffs competing. So first …

Great Tyne Row

#slogonthetyne  Slog indeed! It seemed like a great idea to throw in a 25km warm up for Castle to Crane in 3 weeks time. Sunshine, pastries, music and plenty Vaseline, Dave, John, Laura, Lou and their cox Emily set off at 6am, heading for Newcastle. After dropping off the trailer at the finish, we enjoyed Tyne RC’s luxurious new boat …

North Berwick 2017

Was that the best North Berwick Regatta yet? The weather was warm, dry and mainly sunny, but with enough westerly wind to provide testing conditions. NBRC welcomed twelve visiting clubs who brought enough crews to fill most events. Thanks for coming to Boatie Blest, Broughty Ferry, Coigach, Crail, Dunbar, Eastern, Eskmuthe, Islay, Row Porty, Royal …

RNLI Fete Parade

On Saturday the 29 of July the North Berwick Rowing Club pushed one of their three St Ayles skiffs down and around North Berwick as part of the yearly Lifeboat Fete Parade. And this year instead of  getting gassed by the old tractor in front, we were treated to a jazz band in the back of an …