Regatta 2024 Reports

On 31st August 2024 we held our annual regatta. Scroll down to the bottom of the reports to see the race results.

Junior Report by Morgen

The last day of August brought the long awaited North Berwick regatta. An amazing row from the home team, North Berwick rowing club kicked off the proceedings with the men’s 45+ clocking in first place with a time of 18:36. The next race saw victory for Boatie Blest in the women’s 45+. 

The U18 race saw the arrival of treacherous winds and crashing waves around the Craig. North Berwick’s team 1 were steered off track by the winds, but we saw a successful race for Eastern’s 1 and 2 team snatching up first and second place.

After the conditions in the junior race, the executive decision was made to move the novice race to the Craig and back rather than going around the island. Well done to North Berwick’s first novice team who managed to accomplish first place!

However, the wind picked up and the decision was ultimately made that it would be too dangerous to continue with the mixed, men’s and women’s open race, resulting in cancellation. 

Thank you to all the teams that were able to participate today, despite the weather! And thank you to all the volunteer organisers, bakers and catering team helping to make the day happen.

<More reports to come>

Many thanks to our race sponsors! Click on their logos to find out more about them.

Fenton Tower Luxury Accommodation Sponsoring the Women’s and Mens Open races
Sponsoring the Mixed 45+ race
Sponsoring the Mixed Novice race
Sponsoring lunches for on-water safety, umpires and starters
Move Yoga sponsoring the Women’s 45+ race
Sponsoring the
Men’s 45+ race
Sponsoring the Under-18s race
Sponsoring the
Mixed Open race
Sponsoring the Mixed Decades race
Sponsoring the Mixed 240+ race

Window above too small to see the results on your mobile phone? Click this link which opens in a new window.

And here is the programme from the day itself.